Education in the field of public property registration and property management completed

Education on topics in the field of registration of public property rights and property management intended for employees in the City of Novi Sad and the municipalities of Apatin and Sremski Karlovci was held from September 30 to October 2, 2020, in Orašac.

The three-day training aims to improve the professional capacities of employees in the three local governments that participate in the implementation of the project "Strengthening local public property management systems."

The topics of the training were:

  • application of legal regulations governing the area of ​​registration of property rights on real estate and implications for the work of professional services of local self-government units,
  • keeping records of real estate in public ownership
  • management of public property.

The project "Strengthening local public property management systems" is worth 242,860.18 euros, started on December 22, 2018 and lasts for 24 months. It is implemented within the Exchange 5 Program, funded by the European Union from the allocation for IPA 2014, and implemented by the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government (MDULS) in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM) as an implementing partner. The contracting authority for all grant scheme projects is the Ministry of Finance, ie the Sector for Contracting and Financing of European Union Funds (CFCU).

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05